Tech Driven Cross-Border Trade Finance

Latin American farmers who sell their fresh produce to the U.S. lack of access to affordable financial solutions. Supply Pay was created to solve this problem.

Our Trusted Partners
A greyscale logo of Texas Regional Bank.International Factoring Association logo.A greyscale logo of the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.A greyscale logo of the eBridge company.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

1.) Our integrations give us an x-ray view into the health of global buyer and supplier relationships.

2.) We then allocate capital toward the purchasing of accounts receivables from suppliers minus fees.

3.) The receivables mature and we are paid the AR values from the buyers.

4.) We make the spread on the discount we purchased the invoice at.

Who can help answer more of my questions?

If you have more questions about Supply Pay or investing, contact us or get in touch through the WhatsApp by using the green icon at the bottom right of our website.

How does Supply Pay help farmers in emerging countries?

Our primary clients are small Mexican farmers that sell their produce to U.S. buyers. We turn their debt into immediate cash that they can use to pay their bills and develop their business.

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